Ride Up the Pacifc Coast

McCracken and I both own Burley Nomads. He thinks that makes me want to read about long-term touring. Sure, Jim. You do the cooking.–Corrie

PCH Tour: There

March 10th, 2009 by Megan ·

After months of training, buying gear, and preparation; the day finally came when James and I were ready to embark on a jaunt up the Pacific Coast.  Have a look at my past post discussing our Bike Tour Preperation: Part 1- Destination, Part 2 – Training and Part 3 – Pack Up!

The trip started out very rocky, or sloshy to be exact.  We arrived at the train station in L.A. at 9 a.m. on December 17, 2008.  We wheeled our Burley Nomad around like luggage and went into a secret back room (with voice activation and a pin pad) to pick up our bikes.  It was drizzling, but nothing of a deterrent really; we were ready to ride.  Now, we had to get from the LAX train station to Route 1.  The light rain had turned into heavy rain accompanied by strong winds.  Headed north in 40 mph winds and vertical rain pelting you in the face like small pebbles, this was definitely a first day to remember.  We were lucky enough to eventually find the Malibu RV/campsite, and were crossing our fingers that the Nomad stood up better than we did being tethered for hours on end with hurricane-like, elemental fury.  To our surprise, most everything was dry.  Some things got wet from the water that splashed up from underneath the trailer, but the washer/dryer set up at the RV park was nothing short of a miracle, and ultimately saved my toes from frostbite, and both of us from hypothermia.

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